How to extend ebs volume in aws
I need to add an additional 20GB to /db2inst1. I know this is a EBS volume.
/dev/xvdh 7.8G 7.4G 0 100% /db2inst1
How to extend ebs volume in aws
I need to add an additional 20GB to /db2inst1. I know this is a EBS volume.
/dev/xvdh 7.8G 7.4G 0 100% /db2inst1
Attaching Block Volume Storage in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Instance
1. Login to your OCI console, search for block volume or from the left hamburger menu, select "Storage" then "Block Volume" then "Create Block Volume"
5. Login to the linux instance. Issue the above commands. You can see a successful message.
6. Now to identify attach volume or device use unix command lsblk. This command helps you to identify the device for me its /dev/sbd
7. Format the disk using unix command fdisk and make file system using unix commnd mkfs as you want in this case i am gong to make it as ext4 command is mkfs.ext4 /dev/sbb.
8. Create a folder directory for the mount mkdir /data
9. For permanent mounting you need to add an entry in /etc/fstab
/dev/sbd1 /data ext4 defaults,noatime,_netdev 0 2
10. Now we are going to mount. mount /dev/sdb1 /data
That's it. You can verify it using the command df -h
How to configure Office365 as SMTP
You need to note that the from address and the authentication user should be same.
Port to be used is 25 (not 587)
sendmail sending email slow
I have a linux box, which I configured sendmail and it is working fine. But the sending email is slow.
While checking the /var/log/maillogs I saw the following
My unqualified host name (hostname) unknown; sleeping for retry
Sendmail is expecting a FQDN to start cleanly.
You need to set the hostname like <your_hostname>.localdomain and update /etc/hosts.
/etc/hosts your_hostname.localdomain your_hostname localhost