When we delete a pod using kubectl command, it get respawn automatically. This is one of the feature of Kubernetes.
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl get pods | grep ImagePullBackOff
quickstart-se-68d7ffb868-l7pvk 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 12m
[root@compute-instance1 ~]#
How to solve this?
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl get all
This command will list down all the details.
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl delete deploy/quickstart-se svc/quickstart-se
deployment "quickstart-se" deleted
service "quickstart-se" deleted
[root@compute-instance1 ~]#
This helps to delete that particular pod from K8s.
When we delete a pod using kubectl command, it get respawn automatically. This is one of the feature of Kubernetes.
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl get pods | grep ImagePullBackOff
quickstart-se-68d7ffb868-l7pvk 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 12m
[root@compute-instance1 ~]#
How to solve this?
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl get all
This command will list down all the details.
[root@compute-instance1 ~]# kubectl delete deploy/quickstart-se svc/quickstart-se
deployment "quickstart-se" deleted
service "quickstart-se" deleted
[root@compute-instance1 ~]#
This helps to delete that particular pod from K8s.